Get the scoop on your website and online presence
Our easy-to read reports tell you what’s working, what can be improved, and our pricing with no strings attached.
Website Health Checkup
Learn about your website’s speed, security, SEO, user experience, and more.
Online Health Checkup
Find out how well you connect with your audience with an evaluation of search performance, online advertising, social media, and online listings.
Is your website working for you?
Sweet Spot provides a comprehensive evaluation of your website inside and out. First, we evaluate from the user’s perspective: How easy is it navigate? Does the layout and style match the business’ aesthetic? Is your marketing message front and center? Is all the text on the page clear, appealing, and SEO friendly?
Then we check nuts and bolts: your site’s speed, security, the platform it’s running on, internal SEO, traffic monitoring, and if the back end of your website uses optimal tools and automation to make running your business easier.
We deliver all of this in an easy-to-read report clearly showing what’s working well and what can be improved. We prioritize what needs to be addressed sooner rather than later and offer pricing and next steps for each item that you can use any time and share with any web developer.
Our goal is to empower business owners and offer solutions between DIY and overpriced web and marketing firms so you’re in control.
Website Health Checkup
Want to know more about your online presence (SEO, social media, online listings)? Check out our Online Health Checkup or request both for the big picture.
Report delivered within one week
No strings attached
Report can be used by you or to compare with other web firms
Easy to read and understand, gives you a clear picture of your site’s features, strengths, and weaknesses
Make your online presence count.
To reach your audience in a field of fierce competition, you need to leverage your connections. Each piece of your online presence that’s done right strengthens the others and improves your return on investment.
It’s sometimes hard to know how your online presence is performing overall and some web firms offer big promises with nebulous results. Sweet Spot evaluates how your organization performs in online searches, how well your online advertising is working, what social media platforms are used and how well they’re connecting with your audience, and how your organization ranks in online business listings like Google My Business and Yelp.
Every business is different, so we discuss what’s working well and what can be strengthened ( and how & why) in stages and at multiple price points. Our services are available individually or in packages, so you decide what works best.
Online Health Checkup
Want to know more about your website’s performance? Check out our Website Health Checkup or request both for the big picture.
Report delivered within one week
No strings attached
Report can be used by you or to compare with other web firms
Easy to read and understand, gives you a clear picture of your site’s online presence and how to improve it